Blowing in the wind · Bob Dylan

Do Fa
Do lam
Do Fa Sol

Do Fa
Do lam
Do Fa Sol

Do Fa
Do lam
Do Fa Sol

Fa Sol
Do lam
Fa Sol
how many roads
must a man walk down
before you call him a man

how many seas
must a white dove sail
before she sleeps in the sand

how many times
must the cannon balls fly
before they're forever banned

the answer, my friend,
is blowing in the wind
the answer is blowing
in the wind

how many years
can a mountain exist
before it is washed to the sea
how many years
can some people exist
before they're allowed to be free
how many times
can a man turn his head
pretending he just doesn't see

how many times
must a man look up
before he can see the sky
how many ears
must one man have
before he can hear people cry
how many deaths
will it take 'till he knows
that too many people have died
18-08-2006 | cantautor |
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