Circumstances · Rush

Si Sol
Re La Re - Fa#
Si Sol
Re La Re - Fa#

Sol Si
Do La
Re Mibdim
Do Sol

Re lam
Sol Re
Do Sol
Sib lam
Sol Re
Do lam
a boy alone, and so far from home
endless rooftops from my window
I felt the gloom of empty rooms
on rainy afternoons

sometimes in confusion
I felt so lost and disillusioned
innocence gave me confidence
to go up against reality

all the same
we take a chances
laughed at by time
tricked by circumstances
plus ça change
plus c'est la même chose
the more that things change
the more they stay the same

now I've gained some understanding
of the only world that we see
things that I once dreamed of
have become reality

these walls that still surround me
still contain the same old me
just one more who's searching for
the world that ought to be

all the same...
Totes les cançons de
· Circumstances
· Time stand still
18-08-2006 |
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