Comatose · Ayreon

mim Sol Re mim Sol Re mim
mim sim Re mim Sol Re mim
mim Sol Re mim Sol Re mim
mim sim Re mim Sol Re sim

sim Do Sol Re
sim Do Sol Re
sim Do Sol Re
Do sim Sol mim
No need to feel the pain
no need to feel betrayed
no need to feel inane
no need to feel afraid

Wake me up before I die, hold me close
as I gaze upon the sky, comatose
no reason to survive, I supose
wake us up before we die

No need to feel desire
(but I need you with me)
No need to feel so small
(but I need to feel secure)
No need to feel the fire
(but I need to feel free)
No need to feel at all
(but I need to know for sure)

Wake me up before I die, hold me close
as I gaze upon the sky, comatose
no reason to survive, I supose
wake us up before we die
Totes les cançons de
· Comatose
10-11-2013 |
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