Don't leave me now · Supertramp

fam Reb
Mib dom
Reb sibm
Don't leave me now
leave me out in the pouring rain
with my back against the wall
don't leave me now

Don't leave me now
leave me out with nowhere to go
and the shadows start to fall
don't leave me now

Don't leave me now
leave me out on this lonely road
as the wind begins to howl
don't leave me now

Don't leave me now
all alone on this darkest night
feeling old and cold and grey
don't leave me now

Don't leave me now
leave me holding an empty heart
as the curtain starts to fall
don't leave me now

Don't leave me now
all alone in this crazy world
when I'm old and cold and grey and time is gone
Totes les cançons de
· Breakfast in america
· Don't leave me now
· School
· The logical song
24-09-2014 |
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