Fly me to the moon · Bart Howard

lam7 rem7
Sol7 Domaj7 - Do7
Famaj7 sim7-5
Mi7 lam7 - La7
rem7 Sol7 mim7 - La7
rem7 Sol7 sim7-5 Mi7

lam7 rem7
Sol7 Domaj7 - Do7
Famaj7 sim7-5
Mi7 lam7 - La7
rem7 Sol7 Sib7 mim7-5 - La7
rem7 Sol7 Do Dodim rem7 Sol7

rem7 Sol7 Do Fadim Do
Fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars,
let me see what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars;
in other words, hold my hand;
in other words, darling, kiss me.

Fill my heart with song,
and let me sing for ever more;
you are all I long for,
all I worship and adore.
in other words, please be true;
in other words, I love you.

Fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars,
let me see what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars;
in other words, hold my hand;
in other words, darling, kiss me.

Fill my heart with song,
and let me sing for ever more;
you are all I long for,
all I worship and adore.
in other words, please be true;
in other words, I love you.
Totes les cançons de
Bart Howard
· Fly me to the moon
01-08-2007 |
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