Hey, Jude! · The beatles

La Mi



La7 Re
Fa# sim
Mi7 La

La7 Re
Fa# sim
Mi La
La7 Mi7
hey Jude, don't make it bad,
take a sad song
and make it better

to let her into your heart,
then you can start
to make it better

hey Jude, don't be afraid,
you were made to
go out and get her
the minute
you let her under your skin,
then you can begin
to make it better

and anytime you feel the pain,
hey Jude Refrain don't carry
the world up on your shoulders

for now you know that it's a fool
who plays it cool by making
this World a little colder,
da da da da da da da da

hey Jude, don't let me down,
you have found her,
now go and get her

remember to let her into your heart,
then you can start to make it better
Totes les cançons de
The beatles
· All my loving
· Hey, Jude!
· Yesterday
18-08-2006 |
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