Lazarus · Porcupine tree

La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi

La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi

La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi

Do# Re
La LaM7
Do# Re
La LaM7

Do# Re
La LaM7

La LaM7 Re Mi
La LaM7 Re Mi
Mi La
As the cheerless towns pass my window
I can see a washed out moon through the fog
and then a voice inside my head, breaks the analogue
and says

"Follow me down to the valley below, you know
moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul"
I survived against the will of my twisted folk
but in the deafness of my world the silence broke
and said

"Follow me down to the valley below, you know
moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul"

"My David don't you worry
this cold world is not for you
so rest your head upon me
I have strength to carry you"

Ghosts of the twenties rising
golden summers just holding you

"Follow me down to the valley below, you know
moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul
Come to us, Lazarus
it's time for you to go"
Totes les cançons de
Porcupine tree
· Lazarus
06-06-2015 |
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