More than words · Extreme

Sol Sol4 lam
Do Re Sol
lam Do Re mim
lam Re
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Do Re Sol

mim Do
saying I love you, is not the words
I want to hear from you,
is not that I want you,
not to say but if you only knew,
how easy, it would be
to show me how you feel

more than words
is all you have to do
to make it real,
then you wouldn't
have to say
that you love me
'cause I'd already know

what would you do
if my heart was turn in two
moret han words
to show you feel
that your love
for me is real

what would you say
if I took this words away,
than you couldn't make
things new just by saying
I love you
more than words

now that I've tried to talk to you
and make you understand,
all you have to do is
close your eyes and just reach
out your hands
and touch me,
hold me close, don't never let me go

moret han words
is all I ever needed
you to show,
then you couldn't have to
say that you love me
'cause I'd already know

what would you do...
Totes les cançons de
· More than words
17-08-2006 |
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