Nothing else matters · Metallica

mim Re Do
mim Re Do
mim Re Do
Sol Si7 mim

mim Re Do
mim Re Do
mim Re Do
Sol Si7 mim

mim Re Do
mim Re Do
mim Re Do
Sol Si7 mim

Do La Re Do
La Re Do
La Re mim

Do La Re Do
La Re Do
La Re Do
La Re Do
La Re mim
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter...
Never cared for what...
Never opened myself...
Trust I seek and find...

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for what they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter...
Totes les cançons de
· Nothing else matters
18-08-2006 |
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