Within · Daft punk

lam Fa rem Sol

lam Fa
rem Sol
There are so many things that I don't understand
there's a world within me that I cannot explain
many rooms to explore, but the doors look the same
I am lost I can't even remember my name

I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am
I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am

There are so many things that I don't understand
there's a world within me that I cannot explain
many rooms to explore, but the doors look the same
I am lost I can't even remember my name

I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am
I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am

I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am
I've been for sometime, looking through someone
I need to know now, please tell me who I am
Totes les cançons de
Daft punk
· Something about us
· Within
26-05-2013 |
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